The Good Morning Net meets daily at 8AM CT. Join in on 147.210Mhz (input 147.81), PL tone of 107.2 , Allstar node: 53693 and Echolink node: 660181. No radio? Listen with Broadcastify.
The Good Morning Net

The fm38 Network adds a Repeater in Sturgeon Bay
The privately owned and maintained fm38 network has added a repeater in Sturgeon Bay, linking it with the other repeaters in the group. The network currently provides coverage from Chicago, Il north to Sturgeon Bay, WI and west to Madison, La Crosse and Chippewa Falls, WI . The Sturgeon Bay frequency is 444.475+ with CTCSS of 123.0Hz. The 440 band is open to license levels technician and above.
Kenwood Repeater Backup Now Functional
This is the repeater set-up at the W9DOR site outside of Sturgeon Bay. The Motorola Quantar unit is on the top and the Kenwood back-up unit is below it. The battery packs at the bottom are to be the power back-up if there is a power outage.